- Continually improving student success – over the last 4 years the percentage of students who transitioned from grade 11 to grade 12 increased from 93% to 98%.
- Opened 6 new schools (more than 7,300 classroom seats) and completed seismic projects over the last 4 years by working effectively with both the provincial and municipal governments.
- Demonstrated strong leadership throughout COVID by keeping our schools open 98% of the time with strict health & safety protocols to keep students & staff safe.
- With strong support from several community partners, we provided breakfast at 60 schools and lunch at 34 schools serving over 2250 kids last year alone.
- Maintained sound fiscal responsibility to put more teachers, support staff, and resources into the classroom; no layoffs and no budget cuts over last 4 years.
- Strengthened important relationships with the indigenous community on our continuing journey towards reconciliation.
- Request $2 billion in proposed new schools and expansions to existing schools, adding thousands more seats over the next 4 years.
- Expand childcare in Surrey Schools – 600 more seats this fall alone.
- Continue an ambitious plan to advance racial equity across the entire district, involving all staff and students.
- Continue to provide teacher resources and training as well as district policies to ensure we have safe, caring and inclusive schools for every student and for all of our staff.
- Encourage increased funding for all areas of education, especially our most vulnerable student demographics.
- Support innovative changes as teaching practices evolve to meet the needs of our ever-changing world, providing students with diverse learning choices to support a broad range of career opportunities.
- Nurture positive relationships with our teachers and support staff, and sustain our strong relationships in the community.